Sunday, February 12, 2012

Even when the rain falls

Yesterday was most definitely a roller coaster of emotions kinda day.
I helped one of my sister-bff's decorate for her three boys' birthday party. They are Jeremy 8 yrs old, Seth 7 yrs old and Braden 6 yrs old.  Lol As my partiality to my nephews ...they are amazing boys!
My Momma let me know my baby sis was IN LABOR!!! YAY!!!  So we had the ...and I have absolutely NO cell service @ our I got home Mom began to fill me in.
It was a very eventful delivery ending with a C section.  Sarah and baby had to receive extra care and baby Will was admitted into the nicu.
During all this I was babysitting four children and had to work last night. Whew! ! That's all I have to say about that!!!
Through it all Gods hand was most definitely obvious to everyone.  He is truly so good. coasters.anymore! !! ( :

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